Business Loan Basics for Fashion Brands

The Designer CEO Podcast - Business loan basics for your fashion brand

Not sure how to get started with your fashion brand’s business plan? 

Or scarier yet securing that financing or a business loan? (gulp)

On today’s episode I’m chatting with Bako Rambini  - former finance expert turned fashion brand strategist and Founder of Fashion Cross Functional. She’s an entrepreneur, an author, a lecturer, and truly passionate about fashion and brands. 

Bako and I met on where else but Instagram and quickly connected. We planned our first international chat (from Milwaukee to Paris -- thank you Zoom!), during which we quickly realized our many common business philosophies as well as our shared love of helping entrepreneurs successfully launch and grow their fashion brands. 

After working in the finance and banking industries, Bako knows what it takes to write a strong business plan for your fashion brand and the significance it has on your business’s future partnerships and success. Her experience offers a unique perspective and understanding of what bankers and investors are looking for when they consider funding and loans for fashion brand and she has in-depth knowledge of what you can expect as you prepare for your upcoming meeting. Between her expertise of the banking industry and her passion for fashion she knows how to bridge the gap between Designer CEOs and financiers. 

Join Bako and I as we break down the “myth of numbers” for Designer CEOs and how to overcome those fears that often come with “facts and figures”, share the importance of having a business plan and how to get started creating your very own, and pull back the curtain on what you need to know about securing financing for your fashion business in this episode, “Business Loan Basics for Fashion Brands”.

The Designer CEO Podcast “Business Loan Basics For Fashion Brands”

Interested in learning more?

Connect with Bako on Instagram @fashionfxf


Have a question for The Designer CEO Podcast? 

Is there something you’ve been struggling with as you launch or grow your fashion brand?

I want to hear from you!

Ask your business related questions, about Mod. Merchant, the retail industry, or Sarah and you may just hear the answer on an upcoming episode!