Competitive Shopping 101 for Designer CEOs

The Designer CEO Podcast - “Competitive Shopping 101 for Designer CEOs”

How much time are you spending shopping?

I know that question may be a little unexpected and maybe even ridiculous. You’ve got a lot going on - creating a brand, designing a line, building your empire - you don’t have time to go shopping even if you wanted to!

Well I’m here to tell you that as a fashion brand business owner, shopping is an absolute must do, but I mean competitive shopping - researching and studying up on your competitors to ensure that you are continuously positioning and repositioning your brand to stand out.

Wouldn’t it feel great to:

  • Confidently know that your brand is well positioned and relevant in the marketplace

  • Discover a non stop flow of fresh ideas for your fashion brand and products, developing new product niches that consistently set your product line apart

  • Uncover exciting new product and strategies that lead to incremental sales and strong profit margins

  • Lead the market with your brand and always be a few steps ahead of your competitors

By dedicating time to creating a competitive shopping strategy you’ll discover:

  • You are totally in tune with what’s going on in the market (and what the next BIG thing will be)!

  • Effective strategies that will keep your fashion brand not just relevant but laser focused on your competition so you can beat them to market

  • Your fashion brand’s whitespace or gaps in the market that carves out new money making opportunities for your brand

  • A constant flow of creativity and inspiration for your fashion brand

Developing a competitive shopping strategy takes a little bit of time and dedication but I’m going to break it all down for you - you’ll hear the why, what, and how of competitive shopping and I’ll even share my 4 competitive shopping hacks to make it as simple as possible.

So join me for, “Competitive Shopping 101 for Designer CEOs”.

Is there something you’ve been struggling with as you launch or grow your fashion brand?

I want to hear from you!

Ask me your questions about fashion and retail including strategies, merchandising, assortment and financial planning, manufacturing, market trends, entrepreneurship or anything business related that you feel like you may need a little help to solve or guidance to find your way.

Click the button to ask your question & you may just hear the answer on an upcoming episode!