How Designer CEOs Build Strong Business Relationships To Take Their Brand Next Level

The Designer CEO Podcast - “How designer CEOs build strong business relationships to take their brand Next Level”

It’s impossible to successfully launch, manage, and grow your fashion business alone.

There will be things that you need to learn and people you need to meet in order to start and scale your fashion brand. So it’s pretty safe to say that tackling your fashion business without support is not realistic and it’s not sustainable.

I know that it can be really tough to find like minded people, that are both creatively charged and entrepreneurial motivated, people that you would consider your “tribe”. However surrounding yourself with a tribe is incredibly important for the overall success of your business because it will give you the opportunity to fill in some of your own gaps that you are sure to encounter as an entrepreneur.

Building strong and effective business relationships is one of the best strategies for any fashion startup or fashion brand and will be critical to the success of your business. It really does take a village to get your business up and running and the earlier you begin developing business relationships, the better off you’ll be.

And the best part?? --- It is low hanging fruit for Designer CEOs and their fashion brand because it is a strategy that you can start doing TODAY for FREE and it will have a dramatic impact on your business. Your success will compound over time -- and just like planting a seed, your business relationships will grow and blossom over time.

So if you just beginning to think about launching your fashion brand or if you are are more established and ready to grow, developing your business relationships is a fantastic way to accelerate your success.

In this episode, I’m sharing how to build strong and effective business relationships including finding your tribe, what to do to get the dialogue flowing, who your greatest partners will be, and how to maintain your current relationships to create and develop those meaningful business connections that will help you and your business flourish.

Have a question for The Designer CEO Podcast? 

Is there something you’ve been struggling with as you launch or grow your fashion brand?

I want to hear from you!

Ask your business related questions, about Mod. Merchant, the retail industry, or Sarah and you may just hear the answer on an upcoming episode!