How to Create A Design Strategy That Your Customers Will Love

The Designer CEO Podcast - “How to Create A Design Strategy That Your Customers Will Love”

What would it feel like to design a fashion brand that is not only a manifestation of your design talent and vision but will also sell and increase your profit margin?

So often new fashion brands launch their line without a design strategy and find themselves floundering. They launch new styles and some sell well, others tank, and it seems like there is no rhyme or reason as to what is performing. So they continue to launch new styles (thinking something will stick), and the results are all too common? Too much inventory, lower than anticipated sales, and one stressed out and overworked Designer CEO.  

Wouldn’t it be better to have a fashion brand that your customers are obsessed with and can’t wait to buy?

Today’s topic is one that I’m so excited to share because it will help so many Designer CEO’s out there with the “how-to” of planning your design strategy and get you super focused on developing a salable line and successful fashion brand.

I’m sharing how to develop a design strategy for your line that your customers WANT and will generate sales. I’m laying the process for exactly what I used to do to plan my assortment strategy as a corporate product manager. You’ll hear what you need to do to get started and step by step how you should break down your design strategy. I’ll keep it nice and simple so you can plan EXACTLY what you need to do design your way into your customer's hearts and maximize your sales and profits.

So if you are a Designer CEO just starting to plan your first line launch, working through your first year of your fashion brand, or if you are an established brand looking to improve your current design strategy process, this episode is for you!

Have a question for The Designer CEO Podcast? 

Is there something you’ve been struggling with as you launch or grow your fashion brand?

I want to hear from you!

Ask your business related questions, about Mod. Merchant, the retail industry, or Sarah and you may just hear the answer on an upcoming episode!