
Vlog: Mastering the Art of Being Uncomfortable

Every business owner and entrepreneur has to learn how to how overcome that annoying and constant feeling of being uncomfortable in their role and decisions. 

It never goes away fully but there are ways to minimize this feeling and to turn it into a motivator.

Join us for this week’s vlog where we discuss "Mastering the Art of Being Uncomfortable".

Vlog: Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture

Vlog: Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture

It's so easy to get distracted in the weeds of your everyday business and life. Emails, phone calls, meetings - they all add up and can take away from your focus on the big ideas, strategies, and next moves that will make meaningful strides to your bottom line. 

This week on the vlog, Lauren and I discuss the common distractions that everyone encounters and how to remain focused on what really matters and that will make big changes in your business with an episode entitled "Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture".

Vlog: Negotiation 101

Vlog: Negotiation 101

On this week's vlog episode, "Negotiation 101", I took the reigns and shared my negotiating experience and expertise with Right Hand Business Coach.  Find out why negotiation skills are critical to your small business, how to overcome THE biggest challenges of negotiations, and the MAJOR mindset transformation for successful negotiations. 

Out With the Old & In With The New: 9 Retail Mindset Transformations

Struggling retailers share one thing in common – failure to evolve. Nobody ever said change was easy, but the first thing you must do is actively work on changing your mindset. Start by reconciling the old complacent mindsets you have - the assumptions that you “always knew” and still grasp to.

This week’s Insights provides perspective on market and customer advancements, distinguishes between old complacent mindsets and modern mindsets, and can be used as a guide for the change in mindset required for you to stay relevant and get results.