
Video Session: How to Crush The Last 6 Months of 2020 and Maximize Your Sales!

Have you checked in with your goals since you wrote them waaay back in January?

When you check in with your goals throughout the year you are more likely to achieve them because you are keeping them top of mind and front and forward on your to do list.

So what do you need to do NOW to check in with your goals and maximize the rest of 2020? A goals “check in” !!

Jane Nemis, Designer CEO of Echo Verde, a sustainable clothing line joins me in this video. She set goals in January as part of the program and has done a fantastic job of growing the e-commerce side of her business seeing a +209% sales increase! Learn how she did it and what she’ll be focused on for the next 6 months to continue her success!

Vlog: Mastering the Art of Being Uncomfortable

Every business owner and entrepreneur has to learn how to how overcome that annoying and constant feeling of being uncomfortable in their role and decisions. 

It never goes away fully but there are ways to minimize this feeling and to turn it into a motivator.

Join us for this week’s vlog where we discuss "Mastering the Art of Being Uncomfortable".

Vlog: Make The Most of Your Email Campaign

Subject: Want To Maximize Your Email Campaigns?

To: Email Campaign Novices  
From: Your Favorite Gal for Business Driving Tips

Watch this week’s vlog where we discuss email campaigns - how to get started with developing your email strategies, what works and what doesn't, and what we've learned during our own campaigns.


Mod. Merchant

Vlog: How To Use Case Studies To Drive Your Marketing Content

Vlog: How To Use Case Studies To Drive Your Marketing Content

Want to learn a simple way to use your client experiences as amazing marketing content??

Today on the vlog we cover the “How to” questions on creating your very own case studies and how you can use them as marketing content to grow your business. 

Vlog: How To Stay Busy During Your Slow Season

Vlog: How To Stay Busy During Your Slow Season

Every business has a slow season but that doesn't mean you should stop pushing your business forward.

This week on the vlog we talked about how to make sure your business's slow down is productive and maximize your time.

Join us as we share our 5 favorite ways to keep the business momentum rolling!!

Vlog: "Lean In" A Book Review

Vlog: "Lean In" A Book Review

Being a woman in the workplace is no easy feat, regardless of industry or role, so Lauren and I wanted to discuss one of our newest reads, Sheryl Sandberg's book "Lean In". While it's not exactly 'hot off the press', her commentary and ideas on woman in the workplace are just as relevant today than ever. In this week's post, we share our thoughts on the book, women in the workplace, and our big “aha” moments. 

Vlog: Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture

Vlog: Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture

It's so easy to get distracted in the weeds of your everyday business and life. Emails, phone calls, meetings - they all add up and can take away from your focus on the big ideas, strategies, and next moves that will make meaningful strides to your bottom line. 

This week on the vlog, Lauren and I discuss the common distractions that everyone encounters and how to remain focused on what really matters and that will make big changes in your business with an episode entitled "Keeping An Eye On The Big Picture".

Vlog: Facebook Live 101

Vlog: Facebook Live 101

As many of you know we go live every Tuesday at 1:30 CDT on Facebook Live. While Lauren and I try to make it look as seamless as possible, it took quite a bit of research and a LOT of practice before we were ready go LIVE. On this week's vlog - "Facebook Live 101" we share what we've learned so far and how it can help your business!