7 Ways To Re-use Your Social Media Content & Maximize Your Fashion Brand's Pinterest Strategy

7 ways to re-use your social media content & maximize your fashion brand’s Pinterest strategy

Creating a Pinterest strategy is a great organic marketing tactic for your fashion brand because when done with a little planning and consistency, you’ll increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate more sales.

But I often hear from clients that they are hesitant to start a Pinterest strategy for their fashion brand because they are worried about is being able to create enough content to keep the Pinterest engine moving. I’ve found though that often fashion brands have PLENTY of content already available that isn’t being maximized and can easily be repurposed.

Here are 7 ideas to re-use the content (that you are probably already creating for your fashion brand), and start maximizing it as part of your Pinterest strategy.

  • Lifestyle images of your products - People on Pinterest want to see how products look on real people to get a better sense of fit and fashion, so show your styles. Show your products in real-life situations to help people get a feel for them. Fashion and style-related Pins that show products in real-life scenarios can have 30% higher click-through rates and 170% higher checkout rates than Pins that show products on a plain background. So maximize those Instagram photos or PR lifestyle imagery that you’ve already got by pinning them!

  • Share your mood boards or design inspo for your upcoming collections - You are probably already creating mood boards and design inspiration on Pinterest based on the trends that you are seeing and that inspire you as a Designer CEO. Well so are your customers! People turn to Pinterest for seasonal trends FAR before they are in that season. Your design inspo is a great way to re-use content that you are already creating and your customer is already searching for AND it will generate brand awareness.

  • Instagram posts - You can share your Instagram posts to Pinterest too, making it simple to re-use your content and directing your traffic back to your IG account, growing both accounts.

  • Blog - If you are already creating exclusive content for your brand than it absolutely needs to be shared on Pinterest. You've done the hard work by creating the blog post now it’s just about creating the pin artwork and posting.

  • Newsletter - If you are creating lifestyle newsletters for your email audience that share valuable content like flat lays, inspirational stories or words for your audience, or even just authentic content sharing details about you and your brand, pin it!

  • Video pins - Did you know you can now pin videos? You can use video pins to tell your brand’s story, share a styling tip, or give behind the scene access. You are already creating short videos for your Instagram, Facebook, or PR, re-use them and share them on Pinterest.

  • Influencer partnerships - If you are currently working with an influencer to promote your fashion brand ask them to create a Pinterest board featuring a crossover facet of your shared businesses.

See how simple it can be to repurpose content that you are already creating and leverage it on Pinterest?

If you’ve been putting off starting your Pinterest Strategy and are finally ready to dive in or looking for a refresher - check out my FREE guide and workbook, “Getting Started With Your Fashion Brand’s Pinterest Strategy”.